KevTool Queue


KevTool Queue allows you to automatically queue up items to be crafted, so that you don't have to manually add them to your crafting queue. When you regularly craft a large number of items for sale, this saves a great deal of time. KTQ works with either Skillet or GnomeWorks Tradeskill Frame, both of which incorporate crafting queues.

For each item you request (via a macro or the command line), you specify a quantity you'd like to have. KTQ will check your bags, your bank, and your auctions, add up the quantity of that item, and if that quantity is less than the number you've specified, will add the correct amount of that item to your queue.

See Kevmar's explanation, below, for more details.


Kevmar, the original author, has kindly allowed me to take over maintenance of KTQ. For WoW 5.3, I have made a few changes:

  • KTQ now works with either Skillet or GnomeWorks Tradeskill Frame.
  • KTQ will now correctly queue enchants.
  • A new shorter command allows fitting more commands into a single macro.

A thousand thank yous to Kevmar for his excellent work in developing this terrific addon!


From Kevmar: If you have tried to recreate some of the processes I do in my glyph factory I am sure you have ran into some of the same issues that I have. Building my queue of glyphs to make was one of the most repetitive and time consuming parts of the system. This mod made that step instant for me.

Kev Tool Queue (KTQ) will auto queue items that match a keyword into GnomeWorks Tradeskill Frame or Skillet. You tell it how many you want to have and it will check with Altoholic to see how many you already have. It will then only craft the ones you need. It also has optional support for Auctioneer to check prices and have it skip any item listed too low. You can use any keyword, but it has a few built in.

The beauty of this mod is its simplicity. It does have a few simple features that give it a lot of power. Here is a quick sample of the commands.

Open up your tradeskill window in either Skillet or GnomeWorks and for inscription type this command:


The syntax is like this:

/KTQ QUEUE [number to queue] [keyword to match]
/KTQ Q [number to queue] [keyword to match]

For more info:


Queue Details ===

The main command is:


Any item that partially matches that keyword will be added to the queue. I did start with 3 groups of items but later opened it up to any keyword search. The build in groups are GLYPHS, EPICGEMS, RAREGEMS. I know it's silly to have a group called glyphs when the word glyph will work as a keyword and get them all. I already had that group in place before the keyword thing so I left it.

Because it's a keyword match, it does a live check of your craft list. If you don’t know it, it does not try to queue it. If Blizzard adds something new, this should still work and pick up the new thing.

I do have other features built in to target the different ways people make glyphs. It can be set up to craft extra items when you run out. If you have 0 in stock, it can add 2 extra to the queue. It has a threshold feature that will allow it to check your recent Auctioneer scan and only craft items you find to be profitable. This works best with glyphs and gems where the mats for everything is basically a set cost.

It will also skip singles if you want. When I was making 14 at a time by hand, I would often just skip of the ones I needed to craft only one of. I craft them all now that its automated but it was an easy feature to add.

Samples ===

Like any command line mod, you can put commands in macros.

I have a group in place for gems. Several people manage the different colors differently. I would use a macro like this:

/ktq queue 5 solid sky sapphire
/ktq queue 2 forest emerald
/ktq queue 3 monarch topaz
/ktq queue 6 scarlet ruby

A shorter version would look like this:

/ktq q 5 solid sky sapphire
/ktq q 2 forest emerald
/ktq q 3 monarch topaz
/ktq q 6 scarlet ruby

You can do the same thing for other professions. For example:

/ktq queue 20 netherweave bag
/ktq queue 5 frostweave bag

Another feature KTQ provides is adding bonus items for those that sell out. Its a simple feature and here is another way to do that.

/ktq queue 3 glyphs
/ktq queue 14 glyphs

The above will queue up for items that you have less then 3 of and then it will do the same for a stack of 14. So the result is if something sells out, it will queue up 17 of them. If you have 1 it will queue up 15 for you.

Downloads ===

KTQ requires these mods:

KTQ on other sites ===