Key Master

Key Master



Player View

Player View

View your own mythic plus information!
Party Screen - Full Party

Party Screen - Full Party

Helpful cherry-picking keys for your push group!
Party Header Portals

Party Header Portals

If you have unlocked a portal for a given instance, you can click the instance icon in the party header to portal directly there.
Party Screen - members without Key Master

Party Screen - members without Key Master

For party members without Key Master installed, basic information like rating and key may still be available. (as of v0.095b)
Rating Estimate Calculator

Rating Estimate Calculator

Want to know what LFG key to target for rating gain? This tool can help you solve that. It shows how much rating you would gain as well as what your new base rating would be after a successful run.
Weekly Affix  and Key Header

Weekly Affix and Key Header

At a glance you can see your current key and what the weekly affixes are.
Party Rating Gain Estimates

Party Rating Gain Estimates

The bottom row of the party screen will tally up your groups base overall rating gain if you were to time the key. (base is set at par/+1 time)