


This addon is designed to help players improve their reaction times by testing their ability to quickly press the correct action button. Perfect for players looking to enhance their gameplay performance, this addon provides a fun and interactive way to practice your keybind responses.


  • Comprehensive Action Bar Scanning: Automatically scans all your action bars, including MultiBar and ActionButton bars, to find buttons with assigned spells, macros, and keybindings.
  • Dynamic Testing: Randomly selects an action button to test your reaction time. Displays the corresponding icon and name on the screen, prompting you to press the correct keybind.
  • Real-time Feedback: Provides immediate feedback on your reaction time for each button press.
  • Score Tracking: Keeps track of your total reaction time and calculates your score per second.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple interface with clear prompts and feedback messages.

How to Use:

  1. Install the Addon: Download and install the KeybindsTrainer addon.
  2. Slash Command: Use the /kb command to begin the reaction timer game.
  3. Follow the Prompts: When a button is highlighted, press the corresponding keybind as quickly as possible.
  4. End the Game: The game ends when all buttons have been tested or if you press the ESCAPE key.