Keystone Announce

Keystone Announce


08/10/2019: i dont have many time at to spent time on this addon. But after i find a way, i will update this addon! For sure!

12/13/2018: It looks like, Blizzard Blocked crossed faction chat. An chat addon named "CrossRP" used the same mechanic for cross faction RP and Blizzard dont want this. So i have to wait at the moment. i will search for a way to geht the addon worked.. For Party the weakaura should work!

12/12/2018: After patch 8.1.0: The api is changes for the select and sendmessage argument. i work on a solution.

If you find something... please tell it to me. I need your feedback. Thank you. 


this little addon keeps watch on your chat for certain commands and responds accordingly.
Note: this addon is based on the code from Luckyone's weakaura ( ), adding functionality for Bnet and ingame communities.

Since version 0.7i the addon was renamed from M+ Key Announce to Keystone Announce making it easier to find on the Twitch/Curse app.

This is my first public addon, I want to keep it up to date. Please let me know if you find any mistake (especially in my english grammar) or anything else

How to use:

  • Type /ka, /keystoneannounce or navigate to the optionspage to change the config.
  • Type !mpk or !keys in your guild/party/community chat to get a response of every person who has this addon installed, activated and a mythic+ key in her/his inventory.


  • Each character has his own configaration.
  • Option to listen to all communities or only one. (disabled per default)
  • Each channel (guild/party/community) can be disabled.
  • Option to disable responding if you are in a mythic+ Run.
  • Security check to dont change the config while you running a mythic+ Key
  • Each channel has an own cooldown to avoid spamming. The community cooldown is shared! Can be configured in the optionpage.
  • In  communities your mythic+ keystone will be postet with this pattern: charname-charrealm: keystone. In Bnet communities "| Alliance/Horde" will be addet
  • A small support for Luckyone bfa weakaura. This addon will response to this !keys command.

Known problems:

  • Some issues with English and German grammar... it will be fixed. 


  • English
  • German

Plans to do:

  • Adding more langauges (if possible)
  • Adding a notification if the addon reply in a community (configurable)
  • Fixing locale grammar.

Last version:

  •  0.8f