Keystone Query

Keystone Query


An addon to find out which Mythic+ keystones your friends have for the week. Use /keystone? (or /key?) to print a list of other people with this addon and their current keystone. By default this will show everyone in your party (if you're in one) and guild. You can also specify the target as one of the following:

  • party (or p)
  • friends (or f)
  • guild (or g)

Also provides a databroker feed that shows your current keystone, with a tooltip to show the other known keystones in your party/guild:

If you want to send your keystone to a channel, either type :keystone: (or :key:) in a chat message, or shift+click the databroker object to paste it into chat. To send all your keystones (including those on your alts), use :keystones: (or :keys:)