Keystone Query

Keystone Query


Keystone shows as depleted but is not

mackay2k4 opened this issue · 2 comments


I have athe problem, that the keystones are shown as depleted but are not. Also not all affixes are showing.
I am on version 2.11 and WoW on 7.2.5

This is my key from the bag:

by posting /key? it shows:

by posting :key: it shows:
[Schlüsselstein: Der Seelenschlund] -- Der Seelenschlund +9 (bebend) (depleted)

Titanpanel shows:

Can anyone help?


I found where the problem in the addon is. In KeystoneQuery.lua
Line 135: tinsert(affixIDs, tonumber(parts[5 + i]))
needs to be tinsert(affixIDs, tonumber(parts[4 + i]))

Line 137: local lootEligible = (tonumber(parts[5]) == 1)
needs to be: local lootEligible = 1

Line 185 needs to be changes to below: (removed :%d and keystone.lootEligible and '1' or '0' )

link = format("|TInterface\\Icons\\Achievement_PVP_A_%02d:16|t |cff%s|Hkeystone:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d|h[%s +%d]|r", min(keystone.keystoneLevel, 15), linkColor, keystone.dungeonID, keystone.keystoneLevel, keystone.affixIDs[1] or 0, keystone.affixIDs[2] or 0, keystone.affixIDs[3] or 0, dungeonName, keystone.keystoneLevel)

It seems that the changes in 7.2.5 removed the "Depleted" part in the links.
Its kind of a dirty fix but should work until some one with better knowledge of this addon can remove the depleted part complete.


Fixed (I think) in 0b18258, 0d7cdb1