Looking For Group Filter /  LFG Chat Filter

Looking For Group Filter / LFG Chat Filter


LookingForGroup Filter was created because staring at the matrix as it scrolls is a very tedious and unpleasurable experience. Don't want to stare at LookingForGroup chat scrolling by, then don't. This addon was made with myself in mind, cause I want to play the game, which to me means actually playing the game. Want to farm mats while searching for a group, now I can; want to do a little bit of questing while searching for a group, now I can; want to have to stare at chat for 30m+ to find a group, well now I never have to.

I'm not a programmer, but I scoured enough of the internet and read a lot of WoW specific programming books to get this working cleanly. It functions, it works, I'm proud of it and I see value in it for the long term. 

It is currently set up to find dungeon groups for Classic, Burning Crusade, and I'm currently adding Wrath to it as well, so this will be something to use longterm, especially with SoM (Season of Mastery - for future people in case SoM dies) content.