


Huge thanks to @httpsx for helping us prepare for Dragonflight.

KHMRaidFrames - addon drastically increase your options in default Raid Frames setup.

Why we preffer default frames? Easy setup and no need to add list of important debuffs for every new dungeon or raid.

Changes in Raid frames:

1. Buffs/Debuffs setup.

- Size change / Positioning anchors

- Maximum amount of buffs\debuffs increased up to 10

- Block list for buffs/debuffs 

2. Separated options to setup defauld raid frames for group.

3. Raid markers setup. 

4. Texture options for default raid frames. 

5. Glow effect options for your buffs and frames.

6. Enhanced absorbs.

Thanks @DerangementShieldMeters for idea.

7.Tracking for every aura you want.

8.Full customization for "big" debuffs.

9. "Masque" addon support.

10.Icons and Texts customization.

 /khm - shows options