Kick Tracker

Kick Tracker


[Kick Tracker] About This Addon

If you or any party member misses a kick, you should see a yellow chat message indicating the missed kick for the appropriate player.


Perfect Addon For

  • Arena
  • Battlegrounds
  • Solo Shuffle
  • World PvP

Quick Start

Here's a recap of how the addon should behave in different scenarios:

  • In arenas, battlegrounds, and outdoor PvP zones with other players (world PvP): The addon will track missed kicks and display the information to you and your party (if applicable). It will also send missed kick messages to the specified chat channel (e.g., "INSTANCE_CHAT") if you are in a group.
  • In solo shuffling scenarios (world PvP without a formal group): The addon will track missed kicks and display the information to you (in yellow text). It will not send the messages to any chat channel since there is no party chat or instance chat available.
  • This behaviour should allow you to use the addon in various PvP scenarios, both in group settings and when you are playing solo. It will still provide valuable information about missed kicks, helping you keep track of crucial abilities during your PvP encounters.

Place here if downloaded manually  "Interface\AddOns\KickTracker"


Wiki page coming soon!

Version 1.0a - Hotfix

  • Added all silence abilities. 
  • Added support for 10.1.7.
    ["ROGUE"] = { "Kick" }
    ["SHAMAN"] = { "Wind Shear" }
    ["WARRIOR"] = { "Pummel" }
    ["DEATHKNIGHT"] = { "Mind Freeze" }
    ["PRIEST"] = { "Silence" }
    ["PALADIN"] = { "Rebuke" }
    ["MAGE"] = { "Counterspell" }
    ["WARLOCK"] = { "Spell Lock" }
    ["EVOKER"] = { "Quell" }
    ["MONK"] = { "Spear Hand Strike" }
    ["DEMONHUNTER"] = { "Disrupt" }

Version 1.0

  • Built base version to work with 10.1.5.
  • Added options in top of .lua script for configs.
  • Default set to Instance chat due to solo shuffle using only instance chat you can alter this if needed.
  • Will show your or anyone on your party if they miss kick to display message to all via chat channel.
  • More in Version 1.1.


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