


Updated for 7.3.

KickAlert doesn't spam everyone else with whether or not you interrupted, but keeps track of when it is your turn.

With Mists of Pandaria the cooldowns for interrupts got longer. If there is another fight that requires an interrupt rotation (such as General Vejax, Omnotron, Reliquary of Souls, etc.) then three or four people may have to work in order to keep the boss interrupted.

Fortunately, KickAlert works the same. Before the fight, target the person you are supposed to follow with your interrupt. Right click on their portrait and choose the "Follow this person with kick" line. Then, during the fight, after they have used their interrupt, a "You are next!" will appear on your screen, and will stay there until you do your interrupt or the fight is over.

You can reposition where the message appears by typing /kal anc and sliding the box around the screen. Other options can be found by typing /kal or by looking on the interface->addons screen.

The option to set up a disarm rotation has been left in, even though it's been a long time since that was useful on a boss fight. Healers can also use it as a reminder for chaining big cooldowns, if needed, by using the "change spellset" button to show healer cooldowns.

There are a variety of options, type /kickalert or /kal for a list.