K Loot Tracker

K Loot Tracker


Addon info:
KLootTracker is used to collect items in the current raid or dungeon. You can delete saved items at the end of
day or after each raid&dungeon, it's up to you.

Why use KLootTracker:

If you distribute the loot at the end of the raid, and you don't remember the items that dropped, here is the history of the current raid/dungeon.

UIFrame Table:
In the table,you can (filter the item type), (filter if the item was received by someone) and see (the time for trade).
You can delete the table in InterfaceOptions or every time you enter the instance.

Dungeon/Raid item collection & Award: - (Automatically)
FFA - saves items when someone receives them (saves receive player name) - logged items -> (depends on range from looter)
GL - saves items when someone wins them (saves the winner's name) - logged items -> (100%)
ML - saves items by raid message (the receiver is only saved when the item is received by someone other
than ML. The other receivers are saved only after the TradeAward, ML can use itself Award by mouse&keyPress) - logged items -> (100%)

If MasterLooter dont use this addon, u can disable ML in addon and you receive items same as with FFA. - logged items -> (depends on range from looter)

Button Change GL->ML:
If your raid used GroupLoot or FFA all the time and one player took everything.. and later items will be split
by ML to players. So when turning ON the loot method (MASTER), Master Looter can clear receivers by this Button.
And you can use Trade - AwardSystem.