Koko Totems is a minimalistic totem mod. It is somewhat inspired by GotWood, but also includes a Stomp Alert module for totem deaths.
Totem information is gathered as you play, which is primarily used for the Stomp Alert module.
Features include:
- Updated for 8.0 Battle for Azeroth
- Alt friendly, will only load if you're a shaman.
- LDB launcher for the options.
- Redesigned to be modular.
- Bars can be moved, scaled and resized
- Stomp Alert module allows for notification on totem deaths. Only usable totems are visible for configuration (spec/talent friendly)
- Dynamic storing of totem data allows for future compatibility for new or removed totems.
- SharedMedia support for textures, fonts and sounds
- ReloadUI/Enable/Disable friendly. Bars are loaded automatically.
As always bug reports, comments and requests are welcome. Please keep in mind that most requests for this addon will be rejected, as it is intended to be minimalistic.