KuiNameplates Target Helper

KuiNameplates Target Helper


Some auras are not tracked anymore after TWW prepatch

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


unfortunately, with the patch 11.0.0 hitting live WoW servers some of the functionality stopped working.
Some (but not all) of the auras that were tracked by the addon before the game update are not being tracked anymore. For instance, on my enhancement shaman i had it configured to show Lashing Flames debuff, but now it is gone from the nameplates together with its color assignments. On the picture below the debuff is present on the target frame, but is absent from the nameplate. (Note that at the same time the addon is still correctly tracking and coloring Flame Shock)
For comparison, this is how it looked before the game update:
Unfortunately, currently I'm not able to check the addon's configuration (or any of Kui plugins' at all as it seems):

This is error info from the BugSack for the Target Helper addon:

[string "@Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua"]:341: in function `LoadConfigUi'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates_TargetHelper/config.lua"]:321: in function `Initialised'
[string "@Kui_Nameplates/addon.lua"]:197: in function <Kui_Nameplates/addon.lua:154>

self = <table> {
 enabled = true
 plugin = true
 name = "KuiConfigTargetHelper"
 priority = 101
 enable_on_load = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = KuiConfigTargetHelper {
 class = <table> {
 IsDragonFlight = true
 global = <table> {
 ui = <table> {
 plugin_execute = <table> {
 info = <table> {
 env = <table> {
 TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0
 currentInterruptId = ""
 currentEditName = ""
 PendingInterrupts = false
 UpdateInterval = 1
 titles = <table> {
 ShouldResetFrames = false
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"
opt = KuiConfigTargetHelper {
 class = <table> {
 IsDragonFlight = true
 global = <table> {
 ui = <table> {
 plugin_execute = <table> {
 info = <table> {
 env = <table> {
 TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0
 currentInterruptId = ""
 currentEditName = ""
 PendingInterrupts = false
 UpdateInterval = 1
 titles = <table> {
 ShouldResetFrames = false
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
profiles = knpthprofiles {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Profiles"
custom_targets = knpthcustomtargets {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Enemy Colors"
interrupts = knpthinterupts {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Spell Casts"
aura_colors = knpthauracolors {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Debuff Colors"
unit_names = knpthunitnames {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Rename Units"
unit_filter = knpthunitfilter {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "Unit Filter"
cvars = knpthcvars {
 parent = "Kui |cff9966ffTarget Helper"
 name = "CVars"
mod = <table> {
 enabled = true
 plugin = true
 name = "KuiConfigTargetHelper"
 priority = 101
 enable_on_load = true

Not sure if this is actually related in any way, but, just in case, here's also BugSack error info for KuiSpellListConfig:

[string "@Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua"]:571: in function `?'
[string "@Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua"]:25: in function <Kui_SpellList_Config/main.lua:24>

self = KuiSpellListConfig {
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffSpell List|r"
loaded = "Kui_SpellList_Config"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = KuiSpellListConfig {
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffSpell List|r"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"
folder = "Kui_SpellList_Config"
KSL = <table> {

and KuiNameplates Fade Filters:

[string "@Kui_Nameplates_Fade_Filters/main.lua"]:10: in main chunk

folder = "Kui_Nameplates_Fade_Filters"
ns = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = KuiFadeFiltersConfig {
 name = "Kui |cff9966ffFade Filters"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"

Appreciate your feedback - I'm currently on hiatus from the game with a new baby, but I'll do my best to jump on the PTR and fix up what I can.


Hi again, it looks like after your recent addon updates and this fix to KuiSpellListConfig everything is working as intended. Cheers!