KuiNameplates Target Helper

KuiNameplates Target Helper

Debuff Colors

Debuff Colors

Choose a nameplate color for units afflicted by your debuffs.
Enemy Colors

Enemy Colors

Assign custom colors to enemies based on their name.
Enemy Colors

Enemy Colors

Assign custom colors to enemies based on their name.
Unit Filter

Unit Filter

Increase your frame rate by filtering out unwanted nameplates.


Extends KuiNameplates with more advanced configuration options.
Elite Borders

Elite Borders

Add a border around elite mobs to help prioritize targets.
Debuff Colors

Debuff Colors

Easily identify which target needs your debuffs to be applied to.
Custom Names

Custom Names

Rename units to shorter, more recognizable names.
Spell Cast Colors

Spell Cast Colors

Set custom castbar colors based on enemy spell casts.