LagMonitor is a growing addon which will not only be used to monitor your network stats but to view various useful information such as your character item level and the amount of gold the character has and soon much much more! There are also a lot of options in the interface panel to customize the addon to your liking with more to be added so be sure to check it out!
Core slash commands usable with this addon!
- You can send your ping/item level and even the amount of gold you have to the chat by selecting the chat group in the interface menu and by holding 'shift' and 'right-clicking' on the appropriate frame!
- You can resize the frames by holding 'alt' and 'right-click' dragging the frame you want to resize. - Note: You cannot resize any frames if the frames are locked!
- You can hide your home/world ping and even your fps by disabling the one you want to hide in the interface menu!
- You can now toggle the LagMonitor frame to display horizontally in one line!
Lots more updates are coming!
Please comment down below if you experience any issues with the addon! Any feedback is appreciated.