Allows easy and automatic layer hopping within your guild in WoW Classic with just a click of a button! When requesting a layer hop, it will request a group invite from anyone in your guild with a known layer than is different from your own. It may take a few seconds for the layer hop to complete after a group invite, so just be patient. This addon will only work on realms that have 2 layers! If you want a more robust layer detection system that supports more than 2 layers, use in conjunction with this addon.
How to use the addon: left clicking the minimap icon or /lh hop will request a layer switch and /lh config will open settings
Auto inviting will be disabled automatically if inside an instance or battleground and when in a battleground queue.
Layering has been disabled on my US realm so I will be pausing development of this addon. If you have pull requests or translations I will merge those but I will not be developing this addon further until they turn layering back on.
Translation support has been added! Assistance in filling out translations for other languages would be greatly appreciated! To help out you can do any of the following:
1. Edit localizations here on curseforge
2. Create a Pull Request on Github
3. Post the translations you know how to do as an issue on Github
NOTE: If you find that the addon is not working or has min/max data (when you hover the minimap icon) that doesn't make any sense, you can reset the layer data using "/lh reset" to reset all layer data within the guild (must be officer rank or higher). This can fix issues when mobs that have invalid layer ids are targeted or hovered and there is not yet enough data to determine that these are bad.
Report any bugs you find to