

Allows to listen every collectable music on your garrison's jukebox without collecting the tunes.

Currently added tunes:

  • The Burning Legion
  • Wrath of the Lich King
  • The Shattering
  • A Siege of Worlds
  • Heart of Pandaria
  • High Seas [A]
  • Legends of Azeroth
  • Stormwind [A]
  • Ironforge [A]
  • Angelic
  • Cold Mountain
  • Darkmoon Carousel
  • Night Song [A]
  • Gnomeregan [A]
  • Tinkertown [A]
  • Exodar [A]
  • Curse of the Worgen [A]
  • Ghosts
  • Mountains
  • Magic
  • The Black Temple
  • Karazhan Opera House
  • The Argent Tournament
  • Lament of the Highborne
  • Faerie Dragon
  • Totems of the Grizzlemaw
  • Mountains of Thunder
  • Shaladis Isle
  • Way of the Monk
  • Song of Liu Lang
  • Default Garrison Music

Looking for translators for multiple languages: