


by Cixi@Remulos (Classic Oceanic) 

LCHelper is there to inform your Loot Council of what items the raid members are currently wearing.
It then allows the Loot Council to vote on who they think should receive an item, and finally allows the Loot Master to distribute the loot.

Whenever a loot box is opened, the LCHelper frame will appear and survey the raid members for whatever items they have equipped in the gear slots corresponding to the loot.

If a Main Hand weapon drops for example, the addon will list the main hand weapons of the various members of the party/raid.
The list is sorted by iLevel of the item and item quality and gives an easy way to assess the potential upgrades of the raid.

Please note that this is not a decision making tool, and items will need to be scrutinized before being distributed.

This is merely an informative tool to help the council have a overall view of their raiders.

By default the LCHelper frame is not shown to all raiders, although they can see it if they change the default setting in the options, in which case they will see something like the image above.
The Loot Master and the Loot Council members will see the same, but with a "Vote" button at the end of each row. This will allow the council to vote who they think the loot should go to, and help the Loot Master make the decision.
The Loot Master sees a few more items of information.
First, they will see another button on each row, called "Give". This allows the item to be distributed to the raid member of their chosing.
A couple more rows can also be displayed, one to have a quick way to pass loot for disenchanting, the other to simply collect the loot for later distribution, as shown below:

Other things to note:

- The addon comes with default Ignore Lists that will automatically filter out raid members that will never want loot with a specific attribute. For example Intellect for Rogues or Warriors, or Strength for Mages.
Those lists are fully customizable in the addon options
- The addon also comes with Soft Reserve lists that allow raid members to mark up to 3 items as their best of best items to have. This again is done in the options.
Although this does not guarantee that the raid member will get the item, it does show the Loot Master of the importance of the item for those raid members.


 /lch options - opens the options panel

 /lch version - checks the version of the addon of the players in your party/raid

 /lch toggle - enable/disable the LCHelper frame when looting

 /lch check <ItemLink> - Checks the raid for a specific item

 /lch versionguild - checks the version of the addon of the players in your guild

- The addon will not show the LCHelper frame if the items rarity is under the threshold in the options

- The addon will only show the LCHelper frame for loot items that are either "Armor" or "Weapon". This includes trinkets/rings, off hand, relics etc

- The addon will not return results for players that cannot equip the item being looted. For example, cloth wearers will not show in the list for plate items.

- For 2H and One-Hand items, both the MH and OH will be returned, unless specified otherwise in the options

- Rings and Trinkets will return both slots 


Finding who will benefit the most or get the highest upgrade always benefits the raid as a whole.
If your guild is running some sort of Loot Council system, them this addon can be of help

Note that all players in the party/raid need to have the addon for the Council to receive their equipped items.

A raid member without the addon will not send any information back.


  - Copy the "LCHelper" folder into your Wow Classic \Interface\AddOns\ folder
  - Restart World of Warcraft Classic

The addon should be active by default, which means it will automatically send responses to whoever is looting.
To see the LCHelper frame however, you will need to go into the addon options and make sure it is checked.

The frame will show whenever a loot frame is being shown.

Join the discord server to have a say in the direction of the addon
Submit bugs/suggestions/comments here:

Developing our addons and websites takes time and effort, and in our case is a one-person job.
If you feel like participating in some way, you can donate to the cause :-)

Huge thanks for downloading and using our addons

Good luck, have fun, and may the Earth Mother protect you all.
WarcraftRatings Website
Cixi / Gaya @Remulos Horde(Classic Oceanic server)