Legendary Stock Tracker

Legendary Stock Tracker

exported data

exported data

After pasting the data and splitting, you should get a result like this.
LST overview panel

LST overview panel

Hover over the LST icon to check which items have been scanned
Restock window

Restock window

The restock window shows you everything you need to restock, just click the craft next button and LST will craft them for you!
Split columns

Split columns

When using google sheets, make sure to split the text into columns! This button is found at the bottom of the pasted results.
Final result

Final result

The final result after adding pricing and conditional formatting could look like this!
Table View

Table View

The table shows an overview of the profit / loss you would make selling an item now, how many you have of each item, and highlights in blue what you should restock based on your settings.
Settings panel

Settings panel

Quite self explanatory, but these are the settings that are available as of the 10th of july 2021