Lejon Addon
LKS Addon for Classic WoW
C'Thun Map
Lejon Addon can display a C'Thun Map with a melee stacking layout. Based on Salad_Cthun.
The map can be shown with:
/lks cthun
Interrupt Announcement
Lejon Addon will announce any spell interrupted by you to your party.
This can be enabled by writing:
/lks interrupt enable
or disabled by writing:
/lks interrupt disable
Example output:
Interrupted Nanneblåval's [Mend Pet]!
Cooldown Announcement
Lejon Addon will announce your usage of a select set of cooldowns/trinkets
This can be enabled by writing:
/lks announce enable
or disabled by writing:
/lks announce disable
Example output:
Blade Flurry used!