[WOW Classic] Addon stopped working post upgrade v3.33
Moezenka opened this issue · 9 comments
Describe the bug
The addon stopped working after upgrading to version v3.33
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Start the game
- Login
Expected behavior
Addon should be loaded without any errors
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Wow Classic Client Version:
- LFG Addon Version:
Additional context
Bugsack caught the following:
3x LFGBulletinBoard/dungeons/classic.lua:209: Missing name for dungeonID: 830
[string "=[C]"]: in function `assert'
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/dungeons/classic.lua"]:209: in function `cacheDungeonInfo'
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/dungeons/classic.lua"]:247: in main chunk
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Missing name for dungeonID: 830"
3x LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:649: attempt to index field 'Expansions' (a nil value)
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua"]:649: in main chunk
TOCNAME = "LFGBulletinBoard"
GBB = <table> {
GetDungeonNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:12
locales = <table> {
GetFocus = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:122
AnnounceInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:110
InitializeCustomFilters = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:102
LocalizationInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Localization.lua:825
CreateChatFrame = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:3
SendMessage = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:103
Tool = <table> {
InsertChat = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:49
OptionsBuilder = <table> {
CreateChannelPulldown = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:149
UpdateAdditionalFiltersPanel = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:731
GetAllCustomFilterLevels = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:210
GetCustomFilterNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:198
EditAnnounceMessage_Changed = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:131
SyncCustomFilterTags = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:167
GetCustomFilterKeys = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:148
Enum = <table> {
MinimapButton = <table> {
Announce = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:140
isClassicEra = true
isCata = false
isSoD = false
debug = false
print = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:10
mergeTables = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:638
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Expansions' (a nil value)"
3x LFGBulletinBoard/Tags.lua:1081: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/Tags.lua"]:1081: in main chunk
TOCNAME = "LFGBulletinBoard"
GBB = <table> {
suffixTagsLoc = <table> {
GetDungeonNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:12
locales = <table> {
GetFocus = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:122
AnnounceInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:110
InitializeCustomFilters = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:102
LocalizationInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Localization.lua:825
CreateChatFrame = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:3
SendMessage = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:103
Tool = <table> {
InsertChat = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:49
heroicTagsLoc = <table> {
badTagsLoc = <table> {
searchTagsLoc = <table> {
OptionsBuilder = <table> {
GetCustomFilterKeys = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:148
CreateChannelPulldown = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:149
dungeonSecondTags = <table> {
UpdateAdditionalFiltersPanel = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:731
GetAllCustomFilterLevels = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:210
GetCustomFilterNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:198
EditAnnounceMessage_Changed = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:131
SyncCustomFilterTags = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:167
dungeonTagsLoc = <table> {
Enum = <table> {
MinimapButton = <table> {
Announce = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:140
isClassicEra = true
isSoD = false
langSplit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Tags.lua:10
suffixTags = <table> {
esES = ""
ptBR = ""
deDE = "gruppe"
ruRU = "группран фарм фарма фармить"
frFR = "groupe"
enGB = "s group run runs"
zhTW = ""
zhCN = ""
searchTags = <table> {
esES = "buscando grupo bm bdg bg"
ptBR = "procurando grupo pm pg"
deDE = "gesucht suche suchen sucht such gruppe grp sfg sfm druide dudu jäger magier priester warri schurke rschami schamane hexer hexenmeister hm krieger heiler xheiler go run"
ruRU = "лфг ищет ищу нид нужны лфм лф2м ищем пати похилю лф танк хил нужен дд рдд мдд ршам рога вар прист армс пал"
frFR = "groupe cherche chasseur druide mage paladin pretre voleur chaman quete"
enGB = "group lfg lf lfm lftank lfheal lfhealer lfdps lfdd dd heal healer tank dps xdd xheal xhealer xtank druid hunter mage pala paladin priest rogue rouge shaman warlock warrior elite quest elitequest elitequests"
zhTW = "缺 來 找 徵 坦 補 DD 輸出 戰 聖 薩 獵 德 賊 法 牧 術"
zhCN = "= 缺 来 找 德 T N ND DZ FS SS SM"
badTags = <table> {
esES = ""
ptBR = ""
deDE = "fc"
ruRU = "гильдию гильдия слой"
frFR = ""
enGB = "layer"
zhTW = "影布 回流"
zhCN = "影布 回流"
heroicTags = <table> {
esES = "h hc heroico heroica"
ptBR = "h hc heroico"
deDE = "h hc heroic"
ruRU = "гер героик"
frFR = "h hc heroic hm hero heroique"
enGB = "h hc heroic"
zhTW = "h 英雄"
zhCN = "h H 英雄"
dungeonTags = <table> {
OS = <table> {
TOTT = <table> {
ARENA = <table> {
RS = <table> {
IOC = <table> {
SCH = <table> {
HOO = <table> {
MC = <table> {
TOFW = <table> {
ICC = <table> {
HOS = <table> {
FOS = <table> {
WC = <table> {
CHAMP = <table> {
KARA = <table> {
LBRS = <table> {
COS = <table> {
VOA = <table> {
WG = <table> {
VH = <table> {
DMN = <table> {
SP = <table> {
SOTA = <table> {
EOTS = <table> {
VP = <table> {
POS = <table> {
BREW = <table> {
UP = <table> {
BWD = <table> {
AV = <table> {
BH = <
3x LFGBulletinBoard/Options.lua:10: attempt to index field 'Expansions' (a nil value)
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/Options.lua"]:10: in main chunk
TOCNAME = "LFGBulletinBoard"
GBB = <table> {
GetDungeons = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:584
UpdateList = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:476
GetDungeonNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:12
locales = <table> {
GetFocus = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:122
UnfoldAllDungeon = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:935
heroicTagsLoc = <table> {
LocalizationInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Localization.lua:825
ClickDungeon = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:988
Tool = <table> {
InsertChat = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:49
Clear = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:433
ParseMessage = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:774
OptionsBuilder = <table> {
CreateChannelPulldown = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:149
RequestShowTooltip = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:1037
ClickRequest = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:1014
EditAnnounceMessage_Changed = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:131
Enum = <table> {
Announce = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:140
RequestHideTooltip = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:1088
searchTagsLoc = <table> {
GetCustomFilterNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:198
ClickFrame = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:981
InitializeCustomFilters = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:102
CreateChatFrame = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:3
SendMessage = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:103
SyncCustomFilterTags = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:167
dungeonSecondTags = <table> {
FoldAllDungeon = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:941
suffixTagsLoc = <table> {
AnnounceInit = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:110
badTagsLoc = <table> {
GetCustomFilterKeys = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:148
dungeonTagsLoc = <table> {
UpdateAdditionalFiltersPanel = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:731
MinimapButton = <table> {
GetAllCustomFilterLevels = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/CustomCategories.lua:210
ChannelIDs = nil
ChkBox_FilterDungeon = nil
TbcChkBox_FilterDungeon = nil
isClassicEra = true
isCata = false
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Expansions' (a nil value)"
3x LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:621: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua"]:621: in function `GetDungeonNames'
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/GroupBulletinBoard.lua"]:545: in function `Init'
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/GroupBulletinBoard.lua"]:856: in function `?'
[string "@LFGBulletinBoard/LibGPIToolBox.lua"]:119: in function <LFGBulletinBoard/LibGPIToolBox.lua:116>
DefaultEnGB = <table> {
OS = "Obsidian Sanctum"
ARENA = "Arena (PvP)"
SML = "Scarlet Monastery: Library"
SCH = "Scholomance"
RFC = "Ragefire Chasm"
MC = "Molten Core (40)"
RFK = "Razorfen Kraul"
SFK = "Shadowfang Keep"
FOS = "Forge of Souls"
WC = "Wailing Caverns"
CHAMP = "Trial of the Champion"
KARA = "Karazhan"
LBRS = "Lower Blackrock Spire"
UK = "Utgarde Keep"
RFD = "Razorfen Downs"
SP = "Coilfang Reservoir: Slave Pens"
POS = "Pit of Saron"
OCC = "The Oculus"
UP = "Utgarde Pinnacle"
ST = "The Sunken Temple"
SMA = "Scarlet Monastery: Armory"
BT = "Black Temple"
SSC = "Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern"
WSG = "Warsong Gulch (PvP)"
SWP = "Sunwell Plateau"
DME = "Dire Maul: East"
SETH = "Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls"
TRAVEL = "Travel services - Summons/Portals"
HOLLOW = "Hallow's End - Headless Horseman"
BREW = "Brewfest - Coren Direbrew"
BRD = "Blackrock Depths"
SH = "Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls"
NEX = "The Nexus"
COS = "The Culling of Stratholme"
MISC = "Miscellaneous"
WG = "Wintergrasp (PvP)"
DM2 = "Dire Maul"
SOTA = "Stand of the Ancients (PvP)"
MGT = "Magisters' Terrace"
EOTS = "Eye of the Storm (PvP)"
DM = "The Deadmines"
AQ40 = "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40)"
OHB = "Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad"
AV = "Alterac Valley (PvP)"
GL = "Gruul's Lair"
ULDAR = "Ulduar"
NAXX = "Naxxramas"
ICC = "Icecrown Citadel"
HOL = "Halls of Lightning"
ZG = "Zul'Gurub (20)"
AQ20 = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20)"
SM2 = "Scarlet Monastery"
BFD = "Blackfathom Deeps"
MT = "Auchindoun: Mana Tombs"
ONY = "Onyxia's Lair (40)"
ZA = "Zul-Aman"
BWL = "Blackwing Lair (40)"
DMW = "Dire Maul: West"
EYE = "Tempest Keep: The Eye"
RAMPS = "Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts"
RS = "Ruby Sanctum"
TOTC = "Trial of the Crusader"
STK = "The Stockade"
NAX = "Naxxramas (40)"
MAR = "Maraudon"
AB = "Arathi Basin (PvP)"
VOA = "Vault of Archavon"
ULD = "Uldaman"
HOR = "Halls of Reflection"
ANK = "Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom"
STR = "Stratholme"
BF = "Hellfire Citadel: Blood Furnace"
TRADE = "Trade"
GNO = "Gnomeregan"
HOS = "Halls of Stone"
AZN = "Azjol-Nerub"
CRYPTS = "Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts"
MECH = "Tempest Keep: The Mechanar"
MAG = "Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair"
GD = "Gundrak"
VH = "Violet Hold"
DTK = "Drak’Tharon Keep"
EOE = "Eye of Eternity"
ARC = "Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz"
SV = "Coilfang Reservoir: Steamvault"
SMG = "Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard"
SL = "Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth"
BOT = "Tempest Keep: Botanica"
BM = "Caverns of Time: Black Morass"
DFC = "Demon Fall Canyon"
HYJAL = "The Battle For Mount Hyjal"
UB = "Coilfang Reservoir: Underbog"
UBRS = "Upper Blackrock Spire (10)"
SMC = "Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral"
DMN = "Dire Maul: North"
ZF = "Zul'Farrak"
dungeonNamesLocales = <table> {
zhCN = <table> {
ruRU = <table> {
frFR = <table> {
deDE = <table> {
zhTW = <table> {
esMX = <table> {
dungeonNames = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)"
GBB = <table> {
GetLfgList = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/LfgToolList.lua:133
GetDungeonNames = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Dungeons.lua:12
InitGroupList = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/GroupList.Lua:177
CreateTagListLOC = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/GroupBulletinBoard.lua:351
LevelRange = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/GroupBulletinBoard.lua:129
InsertChat = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:49
Clear = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:433
ParseMessage = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:774
CreateChannelPulldown = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/Chat.lua:149
LfgClickRequest = <function> defined @LFGBulletinBoard/LfgToolList.lua:647
UserName = "MY_USER
@Vysci for this one, I think this could fix it.
Where you have
["DFC"] = 830, -- Demon Fall Canyon
Add a conditional so it doesn't get added to the ID's table if not isSoD
["DFC"] = isSoD and 830 or nil, -- Demon Fall Canyon
You added the override data correctly for sod only, but the spoofed LFGDungeonID
was getting added for both SoD and Era. 👍🏽
Downgraded just now to the v3.32 release and it seems to be working fine.
src: https://github.com/Vysci/LFG-Bulletin-Board/releases/tag/v3.32
@Moezenka what language are you using?
@Moezenka what language are you using?
I'm running the english client, I believe the locale is enUS
Verified by running:
/run print(GetLocale())
@Moezenka can you check if you encounter this issue on 3.34
@Moezenka can you check if you encounter this issue on 3.34
LGTM, no errors are being thrown 👍
Thanks y'all for looking into this and resolving the issue 👏