- 7
Filters are bugged / Cannot change anything.
#199 opened by christiangruber - 2
You must press `Close` to save options
#200 opened by jhaubrich - 2
Extended language support for PTBR
#191 opened by esergiosantos - 0
Support for "Say" and "Yell" Channel
#192 opened by maximus210793 - 0
Gamma Support
#193 opened by 1Botnet - 3
WoW Classic Era - Onyxia missing in Vanilla Filter
#194 opened by maximus210793 - 0
Missing Addon map icon
#196 opened by Xythiera - 4
Refresh button no longer does anything
#197 opened by 9600bauds - 10
[Classic SoD] Scarlet monastery parsing broken
#201 opened by DocNessuno - 1
Pause button
#203 opened by Augry2 - 1
Arathi Basin request shown under miscellaneous
#204 opened by B2SquareOne - 0
Add search box for filtering results.
#205 opened by juemrami - 2
Incorrect Localiation for the `"LookingForGroup"` channel name in french
#207 opened by juemrami - 0
#209 opened by juemrami - 4
Buggy window resizing on drag occasionaly
#212 opened by juemrami - 13
lua error spam, window wont respond
#214 opened by ssateneth - 2
Add option to not close window with ESC key
#216 opened by chrishenzie - 3
Conflict with TipTac - LFG Bulletin Board v3.23 overrides tooltip anchor
#220 opened by ESPI101 - 2
Addon causes a large number of LUA errors
#221 opened by triglav-modular - 1
STV and Loops tag
#222 opened by proVone - 1
Off Screen, unable to reset position - Gracefully
#224 opened by LogicFlow-Github - 1
"Show a fixed number of request per dungeon" breaks "combine sub-dungeon" option
#232 opened by juemrami - 7
chat positioning
#247 opened by swaagbagtag - 1
Scroll breaking after dropdown option selected
#241 opened by juemrami - 3
Random Lua error after clicking request entry
#245 opened by juemrami - 3
Lua error to do to `SUMMER` holiday event
#253 opened by juemrami - 3
Add world tour section to raids
#256 opened by reetarded - 1
Lua errors after updating
#258 opened by Vysci - 0
Error after deleting custom category
#262 opened by juemrami - 0
Lua error with `AdditionalInfo` config option enabled
#264 opened by juemrami - 3
no group wants to appear
#267 opened by Obscurhaze - 1
Lua error - Cataclysm Classic
#289 opened by Radiskillz - 9
[WOW Classic] Addon stopped working post upgrade v3.33
#280 opened by Moezenka - 9
Lua error
#281 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 0
Mini-map quick setting choices aren't properly reflected
#284 opened by Vysci - 0
World Boss support for SoD (and maybe era)
#285 opened by juemrami - 1
DM North ads showing up under Demon Fall Canyon
#288 opened by gotmilk0112 - 1
Message: ...rface/AddOns/LFGBulletinBoard/GroupBulletinBoard.lua:147: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
#293 opened by johanpettersson1 - 3
Message: Interface/AddOns/LFGBulletinBoard/RequestList.lua:440: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'last' (a nil value)
#294 opened by johanpettersson1 - 3
WoW Cata - Bastion of Twilight Filter Broken
#299 opened by knobs-afk - 5
Minimap button never stays in one place
#301 opened by shenaniganiz0r - 3
WoW Classic Era V.1.15.3 - No longer working since latest update (08/27/2024)
#308 opened by maximus210793 - 0
Looking for keyword suggestions for cataclysm "Firelands"
#313 opened by juemrami - 1
Random chat going to the Misc tab.
#314 opened by Lurkee - 2
Addon doesn't work in SoD BWL/ZG patch
#315 opened by adam-tj - 10
Include your Current level and Class in the Alt-click response.
#324 opened by Raidein1 - 3
[feature] Integration with official LFG Tool
#323 opened by juemrami - 4
Remove Guild Ranks from tooltips
#329 opened by SilverSaw - 2
Add Guild Rank Text back in
#333 opened by Fearture1459 - 2
Lua Error randomly popping
#334 opened by SilverSaw