LFG Monitor

LFG Monitor



LFG Monitor (lfgmon) watches the group finder for rare role shortages and extra rewards (Satchel of Cooperation, aka blue bag). When it finds a shortage, it will display a helpful notification icon, and optionally can send you a chat & sound notification.

The addon tries to be non-intrusive with its default settings, and integrates well with the vanilla WoW UI.

How does it work?

  • Install and enable the addon.
  • The tool will run in the background, and silently monitor eligible LFG dungeons and raids.

When extra rewards are found:

  • a notification icon is displayed (see screenshots)
  • the icon will appear in the middle of your screen at first, but you can move the icon anywhere on the screen, it will remember the position
  • hover over the icon to see a list of dungeons and raids giving extra rewards
  • if notifications are enabled, you will also get a message and a sound notification for any new role shortages (see screenshots)


You can open the settings window from the in-game Options menu, from the Addons tab by locating the "lfgmon" section (see screenshot).

You can also open the settings window using the "/lfgmon config" slash command.

You can enable/disable the following options:

  • Monitor Dungeons: when enabled, the tool will monitor the LFG - Random Dungeons. (default: enabled)
  • Monitor Raids: when enabled, the tool will monitor the LFR - Raid Finder. (default: enabled)
  • Consider Lockout: when enabled, you will not get notified about raid wings you have already killed all bosses in. (default: enabled)
  • Play Alert: to get chat/sound notifications, you will need to enable this option. (default: disabled)
  • Ignore [Tank|Healer|Damage] Role: you can choose to ignore shortage for certain roles you can perform (useful if you don't want to play that role)


The following chat commands are available:

  • /lfgmon config: open the settings window
  • /lfgmon reset: reset all options, and the icon position to their default values. This can be useful if you accidentally moved the icon outside of the visible screen.

Feedback, contribution

The addon is free and open source, governed by the GPLv3 license.

You can access it from the "Source" tab. Please report issues using the GitHub issue tracker.