

Lib-Scenarios is a library which can help to get scenario name, step name, and step description with specified language.

By default it will return user's language, but one can toggle to show the specified language.


To get the scenario name by given the scenario ID
loc_scenario_name = lib:GetScenarioNameByID(scID, lang)

To get the scenario step-name by given the scenario ID and step ID
loc_scenario_stepname = lib:GetScenarioStepNameByID(scID, stID, lang)

To get the scenario step-description by given the scenario ID and step ID
loc_scenario_stepDescription = lib:GetScenarioStepDescByID(scID, stID, lang)

To get the number of steps from specified scenario
num_scenarioSteps = lib:GetNumberScenarioSteps(scID)

To get the scenario step ID of specified scenario-step
scenariop_stepID = lib:GetScenarioStepID(scID, stID)

To get the scenario step's criteria-tree ID of specified scenario-step
scenario_step_criteriaID = lib:GetScenarioStepCriteriaTreeID(scID, stID)

Sample of function calls

local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary("Lib-Scenarios"); 
local sName, stpName, stpDesc;

sName = lib:GetScenarioNameByID(53); 
stpName = lib:GetScenarioStepNameByID(53, 1); 
stpDesc = lib:GetScenarioStepDescByID(53, 1);