LibBackdrop provides a 100% compatible replacement for SetBackDrop
It also mixes in the following methods to the frame
Mxin methods
setup a gradient on the bg texture.
setup a gradient with alpha on the bg texture
setup a gradient on the border texture
setup a gradient with alpha on the border texture
get a reference to a section of the border
get a reference to the backdrop background texture itself
BorderTextureFunction(function name, params)
this method allows you to call a function on each border texture, passing whatever params you want. This is a convience method, instead of having to fetch each subtexture to call some method. Example usage frame:BorderTextureFunction("SetDrawLayer","ARTWORK") to raise the border draw layer
Library High Level Function
test if a frame has already been enhanced
EnhanceBackdrop (frame)
embed the mixins into a given frame
To Use:
local BD = LibStub("LibBackdrop-1.0") -- Create a frame as normal local testFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","Test Frame",UIParent) -- Embed the new backdrop functions BD:EnhanceBackdrop(testFrame) -- Use as you would normally testFrame:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 }}) --Now for some coloring fun -- Set the border to gradient upward from red to green testFrame:SetBackdropBorderGradient("vertical",1,0,0,0.5,1,0) -- Set the background image to color from blue to green testFrame:SetBackdropGradient("VERTICAL",0,0,1,0,1,0)
Here is the result of the above code