


Lua error on next swing after using warrior's Slam ability

be-rational opened this issue ยท 9 comments


When I'm playing my warrior and use the Slam ability, the next swing following Slam gives me a lua error.
Sorry I don't really know how much of the error I'm supposed to copy paste but here's the whole thing:

23x ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI-8.lua:476: attempt to call method 'SwingEnd' (a nil value)
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI-8.lua"]:476: in function <...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:475>
[string "@SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:16: in function <SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:14>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =

PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:576
ADDON_LOADED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:189
callbacks =
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:200
UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:508
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:536
PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:565
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:407
PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:587
PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:240
UnregisterAllCallbacks = defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
SwingTimerInfo = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:165
COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:279
target =
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:435
RegisterCallback = defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
player =
UNIT_ATTACK_SPEED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:354
UnregisterCallback = defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:546
UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:442
UnitSwingTimerInfo = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:175
UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:438
getUnit = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:155
(*temporary) = "mainhand"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SwingEnd' (a nil value)"
self =
PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:576
ADDON_LOADED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:189
callbacks =
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:200
UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:508
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:536
PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:565
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:407
PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:587
PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:240
UnregisterAllCallbacks = defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
SwingTimerInfo = defined @LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:165


i do get two errors with v1.3.2 and the newly realeased v1.4.0 when using Slam as a warrior. Also the timer returns a negative number while casting Slam.

ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30:
C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: After()
[string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30:
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:313: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:329: ?()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487:
[string "=[C]"]: MoveBackwardStart()
[string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:2:
[string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:1

and this error:

Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30:
C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: After()
[string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30:
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:364: ?()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487:


What release version of the lib are you using?


I was using LibClassicSwingTimerAPI-v1.4.0-alpha-1
switched to LibClassicSwingTimerAPI-v1.3.2 and seems fine now, not sure how I ended up with the alpha version


Yes Alpha is under devlopment to support Target swingtimer so not stable.


Hello, i do get two errors with v1.3.2 and the newly realeased v1.4.0 when using Slam as a warrior. Also the timer returns a negative number while casting Slam.

ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:313: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:329: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 [string "=[C]"]: MoveBackwardStart() [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:2: [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:1 Locals:

and this error:

Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:364: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 Locals:

This error seem to happen when the Slam cast is interrupted. Can you give more information on the context?


Hello, i do get two errors with v1.3.2 and the newly realeased v1.4.0 when using Slam as a warrior. Also the timer returns a negative number while casting Slam.
ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:313: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:329: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 [string "=[C]"]: MoveBackwardStart() [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:2: [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:1 Locals:
and this error:
Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:364: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 Locals:

This error seem to happen when the Slam cast is interrupted. Can you give more information on the context?

I am just using Slam on a hostile target. Probably I was also interrupting the cast on some occasions, however it also occurs when the ability starts casting.


Hello, i do get two errors with v1.3.2 and the newly realeased v1.4.0 when using Slam as a warrior. Also the timer returns a negative number while casting Slam.
ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:313: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:329: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 [string "=[C]"]: MoveBackwardStart() [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:2: [string "MOVEBACKWARD"]:1 Locals:
and this error:
Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30: C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration Debug: [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: After() [string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:11 [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:364: ?() [string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487: ...\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua:483 Locals:

This error seem to happen when the Slam cast is interrupted. Can you give more information on the context?

I am just using Slam on a hostile target. Probably I was also interrupting the cast on some occasions, however it also occurs when the ability starts casting.

Did you use any /stopattack macro with your Slam ability ? The only way for me to reproduce this issue is by casting Slam without attacking the target or stopattacking the target during the Slam cast.


This error seem to happen when the Slam cast is interrupted. Can you give more information on the context?

I am just using Slam on a hostile target. Probably I was also interrupting the cast on some occasions, however it also occurs when the ability starts casting.

Did you use any /stopattack macro with your Slam ability ? The only way for me to reproduce this issue is by casting Slam without attacking the target or stopattacking the target during the Slam cast.

I am not using a macro with slam. However I did attack without having a target selected before using the ability. So the target was selected by using slam.

I checked this again. I now selected a target from the start. Then i am using slam as my first attack. There was no autoattack before.
Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30:
C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: After()
[string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30:
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:364: ?()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487:

Next thing i did was /reload

Then again i started using slam as my first attack and interrupted it with ESC.

Message: ..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua line 30:
C_Timer.After requires a non-negative duration
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: After()
[string "@..\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:30:
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:313: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED_OR_FAILED()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:329: ?()
[string "@LibClassicSwingTimerAPI\LibClassicSwingTimerAPI.lua"]:487:

If I do exactly the same without having a target selected from the start then its exactly the same result.
If I do this while autoattacking (so not using slam as my first action before autoattacking) then there is no error.