- 2
Rune Strike Missing from WotLK Spell List
#31 opened by scrubnoobwow - 2
In-combat offhand changes incur an initial offhand swing at the speed of the mainhand weapon
#34 opened by hypernormalisation - 6
Lua Errors with Example Implementation
#36 opened by Snoogens101 - 9
Lua error on next swing after using warrior's Slam ability
#37 opened by be-rational - 1
SWING_TIMER_STOP not firing after some SWING_TIMER_UPDATE events
#39 opened by hypernormalisation - 1
Teleporting to Moonglade causes Lua error
#42 opened by nyrdh - 1
v2.0.0 Lua error
#43 opened by be-rational - 1
Swing timer inaccurate for druids casting spells that break form
#44 opened by Korbrawr - 0
timer only displays full bar.
#50 opened by Lanarrin