Creates a table containing n amount of frames of the same type with optional argument to predefine the frames. Since a table is being returned on creation, the created variable can be looped using a loop of your choice to make changes to the frames, or individual frames called upon based on their index position.
local lib = LibStub("LibFramePool-1.0")
pool = lib:CreateFramePool(20, "CheckButton", {nil, parentFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate"})
lib:SetOnClickScript(pool, function() print("Hello world!") end)
Available functions:
CreateFramePool(numOfFrames, frameType[, frameArgs])
IncrementallyChangeXForAllFrames(Pool, point, initialOffsetX, incrementalOffsetX[, frames])
IncrementallyChangeYForAllFrames(Pool, point, initialOffsetY, incrementalOffsetY[, frames])
SetOnClickScript(Pool, script[, frames])
SetOnEventScript(Pool, script[, frames])
HideFrames(Pool[, frames])
ShowFrames(Pool[, frames])
Since the object returned by CreateFramePool
is a table, it can also be iterated to run other WoW functions on them:
for i = 1, #pool do
if r == 3 then
y = y - 20
x = 8
r = 0
pool[i].frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", x, y)
x = x + 200
r = r + 1
The previous for loop will move the frames to look like this:
x x x
x x x
x x x