Simple embeddable publish-subscribe implementation.
The easiest method for utilising LibPubSub is a mixin, like so:
MyAddon = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):NewAddon('MyAddon', 'LibPubSub-1.0')
If you're not using AceAddon, you can still embed LibPubSub in an object/table via LibPubSub's Embed() function:
If you don't want to embed LibPubSub's methods in your objects, you can get a separate LibPubSub object:
local Observer = LibStub('LibPubSub-3.0'):New()
In the following examples, please replace Observer
with the right
This calls all listeners subscribed to this message, and passes the arguments given after the message. Multiple objects or functions can be subscribed to the same message.
- message (string)
- The message to publish
- ... (mixed)
- Any arguments to pass to the listeners
There are multiple ways to subscribe to messages, and multiple listeners can be attached for the same message:
Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE') -- calls Observer:NAME_OF_MESSAGE()
Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', funcref) -- calls funcref()
Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', 'FunctionName') -- calls Observer:FunctionName()
Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', Object) -- calls Object:NAME_OF_MESSAGE()
Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', Object, 'FunctionName') -- calls Object:FunctionName()
The second, third and fourth versions of attaching listeners can also be passed as a table, as shorthand for attaching listeners for multiple messages:
Observer:Subscribe({NAME_OF_MESSAGE = funcref, OTHER_MESSAGE = 'FunctionName'})
The arguments passed to the listener are the arguments passed to the
function after the message name.
- message (string)
- The message to subscribe to
- object (table)
- The object the function should be called on
- function (string/funcref)
- The function to call
This works exactly the same as subscribing to a message. Note that you
need to pass the same arguments to Unsubscribe
as you passed to
to remove a listener for a message. That means that, if you
subscribed using Observer:Subscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', funcref)
need to unsubscribe using Observer:Unsubscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', funcref)
The possible ways to call this function:
Observer:Unsubscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', funcref)
Observer:Unsubscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', 'FunctionName')
Observer:Unsubscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', Object)
Observer:Unsubscribe('NAME_OF_MESSAGE', Object, 'FunctionName')
Observer:Unsubscribe({NAME_OF_MESSAGE = funcref, OTHER_MESSAGE = 'FunctionName'})
- message (string)
- The message to unsubscribe from
- object (table)
- The object the function would be called on
- function (string/funcref)
- The subscribed function
Removes all currently subscribed listeners immediately.