

There are various ways to tell if a item is a quest item or not. This library will attempt to combine all different ways.

The library will only be able to tell a addon if a item is a quest item if the user have the item equipped, in a bag, on keyring or in bank when visiting.

Implemented so far:
-Scan for quest items in bags, keyring and equipped. Scanning using GetContainerItemQuestInfo() and looking at item type and subtype using GetItemInfo.
-Scan for quest items using the questlog using GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo().
-Detects if items starts a quest and/or if the user is already on the quest the item belongs to.

API (so far):
GetQuestItems(forceRescan) -returns a table with itemIds and their properties.
IsQuestItem(itemId) -return true if quest item.
IsUsable(itemId) -return true if usable quest item.
StartsQuestId(itemId) -return the questId if item starts a quest.
IsQuestActive(itemId) -return true if user is on quest.

This is my first library so any constructive feedback is very welcome.