Library registration and loading

Library registration and loading


A library for registering libraries that can be used by add-ons. With this library multiple different versions of a library can be loaded and the same version of a library can be loaded only once and shared across add-ons.

Functions included:

  • Library.create: a function to create a new library.
  • Library.register: a function to register a library.
  • Library.retrieve: a function to retrieve a library.
  • Library.isRegistered: a function for checking if a library is registered.

It is intended to use semantic versioning for versions and version constraints.

Supported version constraints:

  • The newest version with a specific major version. E.g. "^1.0.0"
  • A specific version. E.g. "1.0.0"

It is recommended to use a version constraint for the newest version with a specific version (i.e. "^1.0.0"), so that the add-on uses the version of the library that is available with the latest bug fixes.