


Library to provide information about realms by ID or name.


lib = LibStub("LibRealmInfo")

Available API methods:

  • :GetCurrentRegion() - Get the two-letter abbrevation for the region the player is currently connected to; one of US, EU, KR, TW, or CN. Returns nil on PTR and Beta realms.
  • :GetRealmInfo(name[, region]) - Get information about a realm by name; if no region is provided, the player's current region will be assumed.
  • :GetRealmInfoByID(id) - Get information about a realm by ID.
  • :GetRealmInfoByGUID(guid) - Get information about the realm the given player GUID belongs to.
  • :GetRealmInfoByUnit(unit) - Get information about the realm the given player unit belongs to.

All of the GetRealmInfo* methods return the following values:

  1. id - (number) the unique ID number of the realm
  2. name - (string) the name of the realm
  3. apiName - (string) the name of the realm without spaces, as seen in chat etc. for use with WoW API functions
  4. rules - (string) one of "PVP", "PVE", "RP" or "RPPVP"
  5. locale - (string) the official language of the realm, eg. "enUS" or "esMX"
  6. battlegroup - (string) the name of the realm's battlegroup
  7. region - (string) one of "US", "EU", "KR", "CN" or "TW"
  8. timezone - (string) the realm's time zone, eg. "PST" or "AEST" (US realms only)
  9. connections - (indexed table) IDs of realms connected to this one
  10. englishName - the English name of the realm
  11. englishAPIName - the English name of the realm without spaces

Note that the realm IDs contained in the GUIDs of player characters on connected realms indicate the realm hosting the connected realm group, which may not be the realm that character actually belongs to. Use GetPlayerInfoByGUID to get the real realm name, or use the :GetRealmInfoByGUID or :GetRealmInfoByUnit methods provided by LibRealmInfo.