Lightwell Buddy - Classic

Lightwell Buddy - Classic


The spell sucks in classic, see if you can make better use of it....

Turn your lightwell into a fortune teller machine, or threaten to give a kitten cancer for every unused charge, make it moan with pleasure, cry in pain, make snarky remarks or give praise to the user for clicking ... encourage curious players to click the lightwell to see what it will tell them.

Use this addon to personalize and randomize announcements for when someone uses your lightwell, wastes your lightwell, or when your lightwell has sat idle, expires or is summoned . Messages can be personalized for specific players. For some announcement message ideas, you can visit some old threads people contributed ideas to:

A visible counter has been added to display the number of charges remaining. 

Configuration options can be accessed in-game through the interface menu, right-clicking the lightwell counter graphic or by typing
/lwb config or /lightwellbuddy config
(Type /lwb to see these options in your locale, as they may have been translated to your language)