


Linguistics v2.0 [English]

Linguistics is an addon that improves your English. It modifies the text you type into proper, neat English with correct punctuation. It removes Internet slang and abbreviations and corrects common misspelled words. This addon makes use of a database that's created from scratch by the author. With over 450 entries and still growing.

Below a few examples of what this addon does.

"lol r u srsly gonna roll a belf?"
Changes into: "Haha, are you seriously going to roll a Blood Elf?"

"lf1m for soo /w achiev for inv"
Changes into: "Looking for one more for Siege of Orgrimmar whisper achievement for invite."

The addon has a fully functional control panel in game. You can browse to it by opening the Interface Options or by typing /ling or /linguistics.