


LinkWrangler will allow you to open multiple item link windows from text links in the chat window. Ever been asked to compare items from the chat window for someone? Sitting there clicking back and forth between the two links, trying to remember the statistics of each? Ever want to look at multiple items as they blaze by you in the chat frame only to find out that the other links have long since disappeared by the time you are done with the first? This is the addon for you!


  • Clicking on links in chat text will bring up multiple reference tooltips for side-by-side comparison or just for simultaneous browsing
  • Tooltips have extra buttons providing features such as minimising the tooltip or relinking it to chat
  • Key binds to close or minimize all windows
  • Key bind to open a LinkWrangler window for the item you point the mouse at
  • Refer to the included LinkWrangler.htm file for basic instructions


  • Many other AddOns have been written to use LinkWrangler windows
  • Provides easy access for other AddOn authors to hook into the tooltips
  • Can be reconfigured to avoid conflicts with other AddOns
  • You can disable some features if you do not use them; for example the extra buttons can be disabled individually

Documentation (included in the download):

  • LinkWrangler.htm : basic information
  • SlashCommands.htm : full documentation of all the slash commmands, with examples
  • Developer.htm : documentation of the LinkWrangler callback API, and all other exports, for AddOn authors