LinkWrangler Companion


LinkWrangler Companion is a Plugin for LinkWrangler, to 'patch' tooltip content from certain other AddOns into LinkWrangler tooltip windows.

Requires LinkWrangler 1.8 or later.

Companion works with the following AddOns

HealPoints: includes the HealPoints tooltip info in LinkWrangler windows.

AtlasLoot (Enhanced): allows LinkWrangler's 'Capture' keybind to work from the AtlasLoot browser (to open a LinkWrangler window while mousing over an item in the browser).

TipTac: applies TipTac settings to LinkWrangler tooltips. (There are some issues with changing scale though.)



Other AddOns may be added in future. Ask if you have an AddOn you would like to see supported. Note that the AddOn author may be willing to support LinkWrangler directly so it is a good idea to check with them first. Also some AddOns do not provide the access needed for Companion to support them.

I am the author of LinkWrangler; I am not an author of any of the other AddOns that this plugin patches.