List Tracker

List Tracker


ListTracker is an addon for World of Warcraft that creates a todo list for the player to populate and use in order to help the player keep track of daily repetitive tasks. Great for profession cool downs or tracking world boss / rare kills or any thing else you would need a todo list for. 



NEW!!! - Scale size of list to make bigger or smaller.

  • Multiple Lists
  • Multiple Categories for lists
  • Resets Daily
  • Profile Support
  • Mini Map Icon
  • Hide/Show List
  • Separate List from the Quest List



/lt <option> or /listtracker <option>


help - shows all commands.

hide - Hides the list.

show - Shows the list when it is hidden.

hide icon - Hides the mini map icon.

show icon - Shows the mini map icon when it is hidden.

lock - Locks the position to prevent the list from being moved.

unlock - Unlocks the position to allow the list to be moved again.

hide completed - Hides completed list items.

show completed - Shows the completed list items if they were hidden.

options - Options panel

profiles - Profiles panel

manager - List Manager panel to create or edit the list.

This is a updated port of the addon DailyToDo located at:

This addon is intended to update and continue the use of the original addon since it appears the original addon has been abandon.

Any suggestions or issues please feel free to post an issue or submit a pull request at GitHub. I will try to keep up with updates when major patches come out and also when bugs or issues arise.