I get this on my Warlock when switching pet to passive during combat
Shackles70 opened this issue · 5 comments
2x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'LiteButtonAuras' tried to call the protected function 'PetActionButton1:SetShown()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:481: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:481>
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetShown' [string "@FrameXML/ActionBar.lua"]:196: in function
[string "@FrameXML/PetActionBar.lua"]:77: in function <FrameXML/PetActionBar.lua:70>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CastPetAction'
[string "@FrameXML/PetActionBar.lua"]:257: in function <FrameXML/PetActionBar.lua:250>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
_ = Frame {
RegisterEvent = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:487
0 =
UnregisterEvent = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:487
SetScript = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:487
events =
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:553
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:553
PLAYER_LOGIN = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:547
LUA_WARNING = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:562
ADDON_LOADED = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:507
Can't reproduce this at all. Most likely another addon also using AceDB or CallbackHandler embeds doing something wrong and LiteButtonAuras getting blamed.
I've found a blizzard bug that I think is causing this. I'll see if I can figure out a work-around.