- 4
Add an option to have timers display in only one colour.
#3 opened by arcadepro - 1
Number 3 is missing from short timers.
#1 opened by arcadepro - 8
Allow the user to select which font is used.
#4 opened by arcadepro - 6
Interrupts on cooldown shouldn't flash.
#2 opened by arcadepro - 2
Friendly players trigger the kick alert.
#5 opened by arcadepro - 1
Changes to the colortimers and decimaltimers settings are not saved on log out.
#6 opened by arcadepro - 4
Offensive dispel highlight on targetted enemies does not work.
#7 opened by arcadepro - 0
Offensive dispel colors are too dim
#8 opened by mbattersby - 1
Lua Error with Dominos 10.2.15 in WoW Classic
#28 opened by class2u - 3
Customizable Stacks and Timer Positioning
#27 opened by Akwd22 - 6
Outline larger than button
#10 opened by Koraydi - 1
Possibility to track buffs on friendly targeted units?
#11 opened by xizar - 19
1.14.0 support (private server)
#9 opened by kalypto89 - 3
Icons sometimes enlarging and not resetting (version 10.0.7)
#13 opened by sthdevilish - 1
Hunter: Mend pet
#12 opened by tholanis - 11
Sometimes the Flash/pulse animation is getting getting stuck at the wrong scale for short periods.
#15 opened by arcadepro - 10
Glow tranquilizing shot when there is something to dispel
#16 opened by nickdekruijk - 5
feature request: weapon imbues
#17 opened by stamicvs - 3
Countdown Timers for Certain Channeled Abilities
#18 opened by Pillgar - 2
DH Consume Magic
#19 opened by HeymannM - 2
Add option to control location of timer text
#20 opened by aspiringnobody - 5
No shadows when font != default
#21 opened by aspiringnobody - 3
is their a way for you to mantain adibuttonauras?
#22 opened by xapollyon - 2
Wrath classic LUA error after update
#23 opened by sausje - 3
Switch to the new retail suggest ants/glow
#24 opened by mbattersby - 5
I get this on my Warlock when switching pet to passive during combat
#25 opened by Shackles70 - 7
Question about Glow
#26 opened by Thornic - 0
Add more glow styles
#29 opened by mbattersby - 1
Errors since 10.2.7
#30 opened by daniele-f - 5
Entering auras and clicking Okay doesn't work.
#31 opened by F-Lambda - 10
Errors with Button Forge
#32 opened by Shackles70 - 1
Shaman Totemic Hero Talent Tidecaller's Guard (temp shield enchant aura) is missing.
#33 opened by arcadepro - 2
Totems don't respect ignore filter
#34 opened by MustachioNut - 2
[Enhacement] LibDataBroker/Minimap support
#35 opened by Dajova - 1
Pet support
#36 opened by Dajova