


Livestock: For all your companion needs

Now that your pets and mounts don't take up space in your bags, Livestock lets you manage them intelligently. This addon sorts your companions into land mounts, flying mounts, and vanity pets. Then, with the push of a button, you can randomly summon any of the three, or designate a favorite pet to have out on command.

You can also have Livestock always keep a pet by your side, and have it dismiss your vanity pet when you are in PVP battle and it would give away your position.

You can even tell Livestock to put you on a random land or flying mount depending on whether the area you're in lets you fly or not. Underwater or in combat, Livestock can also be configured to cast certain spells relating to travel, such as Path of Frost or Ghost Wolf.

You can even designate certain pets or mounts to be called in certain zones or subzones. Ride in style on a Frostwolf Howler while in Alterac Valley, and then switch to your favorite color of Mechanostrider while in Ironforge. Livestock will let you make sure that you have your good luck pet out whenever you're in Ulduar or Trial of the Crusader.

You can summon critters, land mounts, and flying mounts in various ways. See the ReadMe file for more information.

Localization Help:

Livestock currently only completely works for the enUS, deDE, eES, ruRU, and frFR clients. (The client is only localized completely for the enUS client, and assistance in localizing is always appreciated!) If you are on another client, Livestock will load but will show all English strings. If you are willing to help localize the addon for your language, please let me know - you'd only need to provide some simple translations and I'd do the rest. You can reach me through the Private Message system available here.

Slash Commands:

Slash Commands:

There are currently eight slash commands for the addon. View the ReadMe file for a more in-depth explanation. /livestock or /ls both work for commands.

  • Use "/livestock" to bring up the main menu bar.
  • Use "/livestock reset" to move the four Livestock Buttons back to their default positions.
  • Use "/livestock scale <scale>" to change the size of the Livestock Buttons.
  • Use "/livestock prefs" as a shortcut to access the preferences, described in the ReadMe.
  • Use "/livestock redo" to force Livestock to reset to default. Useful for squashing buggy behavior at the cost of having to reset your settings.
  • Use "/livestock [zone/subzone/party]" to designate a pet or mount for your current zone, subzone or party. For more information, check the ReadMe.
  • Use "/livestock [mount/nomount/pet/nopet]" to add/remove pets and mounts from the random summon list. Uses your active summon.
  • Use "/livestock debug" - Prints out useful debugging information that can assist the developers in solving problems. Use the command again to turn off the debugging output.

Livestock Options and Preferences:

You can find the options for Livestock in the Addons tab of the Blizzard Interface options menu. The "Livestock" tab has the major options, while options for pets and Smart Mounting are in sub-menus. You can read more about the preferences in the ReadMe file.

Bugs Reports and Feature Requests

If you find unexpected behavior in Livestock, especially in locales other than enUS, please check the FAQ at first to see if it has been addressed and if there is a possible fix.

Please report any bugs you find with Livestock, or feature requests you'd like to see, using the "Report Bugs" or "Feature Request" button underneath the Download button, up and to the right. I appreciate your feedback and support.

If you are reporting a bug, the following information is helpful: Any error messages that you saw, where you were (if you can give coordinates, that's excellent), what you were trying to do, what your menus looked like, and what class you play.


Well-deserved credit goes to the following people:

  • Khanthal (Uldum), for the original idea and being our MT so often!
  • A BIG thank you to Sbo (UI and Macros forum, Live) who helped me figure out what was the issue with Dalaran and Wintergrasp as well as suggesting the way to get around it.
  • Grimgear (UI and Macros forum, Live) for helping troubleshoot a bug, pointing me to keybindings, and suggesting rotation speed. Also for pointing out how best to adjust my GUI to compensate for localization.
  • Lunessa (UI and Macros forum, Live) for pointing me to Blizzard's instructions on creating panels in the Interface menu.
  • Xelron (UI and Macros forum, Live) for helping construct debug messages to get more information and indirectly convincing me to make my own dropdowns.
  • Ro (UI and Macros forum, Beta) for the 3D model viewer idea. Ro also originally suggested making my own custom dropdowns, which I thought was beyond me!
  • Elloria and Tgulics (WoWInterface) for helping spread the word and test the addon in its earliest stages and for suggesting highlighting the buttons when they're clicked.
  • The MVPs (UI and Macros forum) for providing the resources needed to accomplish this one as well as stepping in and answering my questions from time to time. Special thanks to Alestane and Iriel for helping me with secure handlers.
  • kdkunde (WoWInterface) for helping translate this mod into German so far!
  • Vastilia (WoWInterface) and Yorgl (Curse) for helping translate into French!
  • madbit (WoWInterface) for the Spanish translation.
  • simply (Curse) for the Russian localization.
  • Certainly not least, Brenkite (Uldum) for being my personal troubleshooter and moral support.