Lockout Planner

Lockout Planner


A simple AddOn to manage your instance lockouts

Usage (/lop or /lo):

/lo show <instanceType> <addOn> -- prints your instance locks with specified type belonging to specified addon to you or your group

               possible <instanceTypes> "raid", "dungeon", "wb", "all"

               possible <AddonTypes> "all","classic","bc","wotlk","cata","mop","wod","legion","bfa", "sl"

               show can be ommited

/lo planned -- show list of planned instances

/lo add <instance Name> -- sdds the instance with given name to the list of planned instances

/lo remove <instance Name> -- removes the instance with given name from the list of planned instances

/lo opt -- shows options dialog

/lo help -- prints a help message

/lo -- executes standard command as specified in options

*Note: Some world bossses might be missing from the list used for planning. Please send me a message if you come across one of them.

*See the wiki for a list of known issues