



LoggingLib is an Ace3 embeddable logging library designed for addon developpers.

It provides basic logging functions Trace(), Debug(), Info(), Warning(), Error().

It is designed to work with AceConsole-3.0 for print. It also can take advantage of the DebugLog addon instead of printing to chatframe.

Code example:

local addonName, T              = ...
local MyAddon                   = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon",
local logging_categories_colors = { ["OnInitialize"] = "|r", -- choose whatever color you want
local LoggingLib                = LibStub("LoggingLib-0.1") -- TODO: add log levels to embed to avoid this line

function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
    -- you can surround your debug code with BigWigs mod packager script style tags
    -- (see https://github.com/BigWigsMods/packager/wiki)
                              nil, -- use default log level color map. can set your own
                              logging_categories_colors, -- required log categories color mapping (compat with debuglog)
                              LoggingLib.TRACE) -- default log level
                              -- TODO: with further embed we will be allowed to write
                              -- MyAddon.TRACE) -- default log level

    -- log debug with category OnInitialize and some text
    MyAddon:Debug("OnInitialize", "Some Logging text")
    -- same with format:
    MyAddon:Debugf("OnInitialize", "Some Logging text: %s", "fooooo")

    -- TODO: with further embed we will be allowed to write