


Log-Updates not working

ForsakenNGS opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Sorry it has taken me so long, I unfortunately had little time and this isn't going to be a quick fix.

Unfortunally the data-aquisition of my addon violates warcraftlogs terms of service, which I did not research thorough enough.
After being informed about that (by a third party) I stopped my backend and approached warcraftlogs to resolve the issue.
The response was friendly and understanding, but I unfortunately cannot continue my service. I am still in contact to provide ideas and my experience with this project and am hopeful there can be a good solution in the (hopefully close) future.

Until then I built an alternative, showing the raid progression instead (kill counts and hardmode status). Within the Group Finder there is a small window containing the active players warcraftlogs profile url for copy&paste.


I think it will be difficult for them to allow an addon like this, because it eliminates a revenue stream: seeing ads on their website. Honestly however, I am curious how much they are even making off of ads considering it feels like everyone uses an adblocker nowadays.

Personally I feel like the only applicable approach to all of this is to build a competing product, cause you are completely at the mercy of WCL here, and they do not seem willing to budge from what I have seen.


From my communication with them, they are imho serious about getting it done. I'm certain it will be less detailed than my previous implementation, to incentivize people to visit their website (and produce ad-revenue), but as long as we can still have the per-raid-averages that should still be fine. They could even provide the detailed log data for subscribers, while only showing the basic numbers to non-subscribers and I think that would be fine. I don't want to relay information that was communicated to me in private, so I will leave it at that: It is very likely that they will provide a solution for this need (displaying player performance within wow), but from my current impression that is still some time away.

Building a competing product is not an easy task. Parsing the damage numbers and detecting encounters shouldn't be that hard, no worries, but the scoring system (do adds count towards the encounter damage? are there buffs/abilities that should be ignored? when does a offtank go from damage to tank or vice versa?) is a real timesink. Even with the information that is public about warcraftlogs rating methods, this would take a very long time. And that's not even to talk about analysis tools (encounter breakdowns, live replay, etc.).
And even after that, there's server cost and adoption by the player base. It would take a really enticing advantage for people to change from uploading to warcraftlogs to something else.

For now I will improve upon the current workaround and look out for alternative solutions to obtain the data without violating their terms of service. As long as their official API is the data source, this is not sustainable. If I find alternative means of obtaining that data, it should not be lighting their servers on fire either. While I would absolutely prefer an official solution, which like said I think is very likely, I won't rely on that alone.


I am very pleased to hear that they are indeed open for it ๐Ÿ˜„ When I read about it a while back they just seemed quite dismissive about the idea. If I was in their shoes, yes I'd likely have some limited free variant and a subscription variant, since it'd likely make up for the user not visiting the site.

It is true (and I should've highlighted that in my post) that building a competing product would be very, very difficult. They have done extensive work on WCL and to catch up to that... yeah, not too easy. Consider it a "last resort" ๐Ÿ˜›

According to their ToS, you cannot store any data that exists on their website. It must be like "retrieved dynamically", and sadly WoW does not support connecting to internet so... but yea, I think the work you are doing currently with syncing hardmodes may be the best compromise, for now.


Now with the new app, should we wait for the return of all stars ranks in the addon tooltip?


Now with the new app, should we wait for the return of all stars ranks in the addon tooltip?

It is already possible, but requires people on your realm to import the data. For now I will not publish that data via the addon as before, so if that is not given only the fallback will be shown.

After lots of people contacting me about it and wcl not showing any progress regarding an official solution, I got persuaded to publish an option for people to obtain the data themselves. Especially since they significantly reduced the api quota available it takes quite a few people using the app to get good coverage. The only alternative would be working around the offical api interface alltogether (e.g. via web-scraping).


Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I only see the number of kills and the mode (hm/normal). Can i see % in tooltip? If yes - how?


@NewYorkStyle Should be fixed now with version 1.1.9

Yes, now it works correctly. TY!


With the app running and valid api credential configured it will pull player data from warcraftlogs and import them into the addon. I can't stress this enough, use it at your own risk, it might get your wcl account or api-access suspended. I detailed that in the disclaimer of the app itself: https://github.com/ForsakenNGS/LogTrackerApp

I recently improved queue priority a lot to improve usage together with the group finder, which I detailed in the apps readme as well. To get somewhere close to the previous experience (when I distributed the data via region-based addons) you need quite a bunch of people running the app. With the current API limit you can update around 80-100 characters per hour. For e.g. Everlook I would estimate the number of active raid chars to around 10-15k. In ideal conditions with the app running 24/7 it would take roughly a week to update everything.


Could this be a problem in russian language? As far as I can see I don't have any rank data


It should not. I updated lots of players with special characters in the name. Maybe having special characters in the realm/server is the issue. I'll look into it.


@NewYorkStyle Should be fixed now with version 1.1.9