


LogTracker (WotLK Classic) by Mylaerla-Everlook

Due to legal reasons I currently can't read the log data as before. There will be an update in the future, but that will still take some time which I can't speed up. Until then I implemented an alternative for checking a players capabilities:

  • Links to a players logs as URL for Copy&Paste within the LFG-Tool
  • Player-Tooltip with the raid progression (kills + hardmodes) displayed for:
    • Player-Tooltips (mouseover)
    • Chat /who links (shift-click name)
    • Online alerts (guild/friends)
    • Manual player lookup

With the command /lt <playername> you can manually lookup a players raid progression, which will also include the details for individual encounters.

In order for the Addon to work (properly) you will (in addition to this addon) need the LogTracker_BaseData addon.