Loot Angel

Loot Angel



This addon is to help keep track of the highest roll in raids when there is lots of roll spam. Rolls are group up into roll sessions. The addon automatically sorts the highest rolls to the top and easily helps you identify duplicate, multiple rolls, and what the roll range was used.

  • Roll sessions start when a item is linked in raid warning, or if more than 30s have elapsed since the last roll.
  • The addon window can navigate forward and back through the history of previous rolls
  • Rolls are sorted from highest value to lowest.
  • Players which roll multiple times will have a bracketed number after their name to indicate the roll attempt number.
  • Ties are highlighted in yellow
  • Rolls which are non-standard (1-100) rolls or are a second (or more) roll attempt are also listed in a light pink color.
  • When an item is linked in a raid warning message, the item is placed at the top of the roll session.


All commands are accessed using /la or /lootangel. Example /la show

Available commands are:

  • show unhide/show the addon window
  • clear delete/clear all roll sessions
  • reset resets the addon window position and size
  • new force a new roll session to begin
  • prev change the window view to the next older/previous roll session
  • next change the window view to the next newer/next roll session
  • last change the window view to the last/newest roll session


Example #1 Example #2