


lootCompetition is an addon to help in animating loot competitions, players must loot as many items of a kind as possible to win.

The addon is likely to be used in a Group or a Raid, but you can also use it for yourself to count the number of items you loot, with the optional possibility to fix a lap of time. It can also make farming fun !

lootCompetition was first designed to count the Eggs looted by the members of a Group or a Raid, for the Noblegarden event, but i could easily make it something better, though don't expect something too big yet.  I only worked on it for 2 days, but i will improve it if i have time.

So the default item to look for is the Brightly Colored Egg !

You can change the item to look for, even if the round already started, so that you can create more challenge by changing it as many times as you want during the round. But actually, the item you choose must already be present in the game cache files.

lootCompetition will start counting the items looted by every player of the Group or the Raid as long as the chronometer is running, and stop counting them as soon as it is stopped.

The addon determine automatically if the messages have to be printed in the Party channel or the Raid channels.

  1. If you are in a Raid then it can send Raid messages, and if you are considered as a leader it will also use the Raid Warning channel.
  2. If you are in a Group, it will send the messages in the Party channel
  3. If you are alone, then it will just print the informations in the chat for you.

When you click on the "Start" button :

  1. It's informing that the round is starting. If you are in a Raid and considered as a leader, then a Raid Warning will be issued.
  2. A chronometer based on your computer clock start
  3. It watch for your own loots, and the loots of the others if you are in a Raid or a Group.  You must be in range to see the loot messages of the players or their loots won't be noticed.

When you click on the "Print" button, it will print the :

  1. Total overall of items everybody got 
  2. Total of items the members grabbed during the current round
  3. Current score, of the each players
  4. Current time left if the round duration wasn't set to infinite

When you click on the "Stop" button, or if you reached the end of the round duration, it will :

  1. Stop the chronometer
  2. Stop counting for items so the score won't change anymore
  3. Print the score the same way as in the 1, 2 and 3 for the "Print" button

There are 5 slash commands you can use :

  • /lootCompetition - Hide or Show the Frame of the Addon
  • /roundDuration Seconds - Set the duration in seconds of each round, setting a value of 0 means infinite
  • /requiredItem ItemID - Set the new item to look for, it requires an Item ID.
  • /resetRound - Reset the round counter
  • /resetTotalOverall - Reset the Total Overall item counter.

Drag the Main Frame while maintaining the left click, to move it, and the right click to resize it.

I haven't tested it much, tell me if you found a problem.  Maybe there is more to say, but right now, i just post it because it's late.