Loot Council Lite

Loot Council Lite


Loot Council is a new mod designed to help loot councils with a solid voting interface. Whenever a raid assistant or guild leader starts a loot council session for a specific item, members can either whisper their current item to the initiator, link in officer chat, link in guild chat, or link in raid chat. The mod will process the item and display it in an easy to use table. Officers can then vote for or against various members and see how other officers have voted.

The primary goal of Loot Council is to have it customizable to fit your guild's needs. You can control votes being private/public. You can have officers only be able to cast one vote or multiple. You can control which chat channels detect messages. You can allow or disallow officers to vote for themselves. You can set up which ranks are part of the council.

I love feedback and take it very seriously! Many features have been implemented 3-4 days after being requested! So please, leave feedback and report bugs. I'll try to get to them all as best I can.

Demo Video / Tutorial:

Vote Modes:

You can mix and match the vote modes to fit your council's needs!
Private Vote Mode: All votes cast are private and cannot be seen by other council members.
Single Vote Mode: All council members are restricted to one vote per person.
Spec Detection Mode: Whenever someone links an item, you can detect the key phrases "main", "off", or "special". If someone says "MAINSPEC," it'll see the phrase "MAIN" and flag it as main spec.
Restrict Self Voting: Prevent council members from voting on themselves.


- /lc - Shows all commands
- /lc start (itemlink) - Starts a loot council session for the linked item.
- /lc end - Attempts to end/abort the current loot council session.
- /lc show - Shows the main loot council window
- /lc hide - Hides the main loot council window
- /lc rank - Opens the rank interface.
- /lc add (name) (itemlink) - Manually add player with (name) and item (itemlink) to the consideration
- /lc config - Shows the options panel
- /lc test - Open the test frame


1) All officers make sure to set the correct minimum rank by typing /lc rank and using the window.
2) When an item drops, type /lc start (itemlink) where itemlink is the link to the item.
3) Anyone who wants the item can either link their current item in officer chat OR whisper the person who started the session.
4) The window should automatically populate.
5) Left click the voting options to cast your vote. If you want to give a reason for your vote, right click.
6) Once voting is done, the person who started the session needs to hit "Abort" or type /lc end - Note that sessions are automatically ended if you use the "award" feature.