




Will automatically pass on items that is not usable by your class (e.g. cloth if you are a shaman, or plate if you are a hunter.) GUI to set various additional settings including:

  • Selection between greed or pass (If greed, all items that is "autolooted" will be greeded, if 'pass' all items that is autolooted will be passed)
  • Disenchant all green - this option will auto-roll disenchant for all green quality armor or weapon type of items (Should only be used at max level when certain, that you by no chance could be needed green pieces of gear!)
  • Option to disenchant pieces of gear, that you cannot use (e.g. items that would otherwise be autolooted)
  • Option to toggle the autolooting of armor/weapon
  • Enable/Disable
  • Minimap icon button toggle (If toggled of, the minimap button will not be added in future - can be toggled on again by typing "/lp general minimapbutton"
  • A slidebar to autoloot all armor/weapon type of armor below a certain item level.
  • Autoloot items, based on stats (e.g. auto-pass items with intellect if you're a warrior), and an option in the GUI to toggle this on/off.
  • Will not autoloot Bind on equipped items of quality "Rare" or above.
Additional features
  • Auto repair when visitting a merchant with repair option
  • Toggle whether to use guild bank funds before own money when auto repairing
  • Auto-vendor all gray-quality items when visitting a merchant.
  • User defined list of items to be "auto-vendored" whenever visitting a merchant.
  • A "select" menu for items to be autovendored, allowing the user to pick from a list of items, that are in their bags.
  • Character-specific profiles

Future updates

  • A menu, to add a userdefined list of items to be auto-looted.

Found a bug?

Have you found a bug, got a suggestion (for future update - or maybe an entire new addon?) - or just feel like giving some feedback, feel free to submit a ticket, give me a 'PM' or leave a comment below!

Feedback is welcome of all kinds - positive aswell as negative, so leave a comment