LootPlanIt | Make Loot Council easy

LootPlanIt | Make Loot Council easy


Quick guide

  1. /lpi import in chat
  2. Follow the super simplified GUI and import data (needed format below)
  3. Hover over priorized items and enjoy the easy way to council loot.

Chat Commands

"/lpi help" or "/lpi h" - prints help to chat

"/lpi import" or "/lpi i" - opens the import gui

"/lpi version" or "/lpi v" - prints the current version in chat

"/lpi reset" or "/lpi r" - resets the database if something fails after fe. an update

Data Format

{{Item ID; Player priority; BIS list priority; Player name; BIS received; TOP3 received; Player parse}}



Data Explanations

  • Item ID = ID of the item
  • Player Priority = Player priority bound to the item (in which order do - players get the item - percentage based)
  • BIS list priority = Slot priority on the players bis list
  • Player name = Name of player
  • BIS received = Number of BIS items received by player
  • TOP3 received = Amount of TOP3 BIS items received by player
  • Player parse = Parses of player