


This addon helps master looters roll and distribute items. It is not necessary for raiders to have this addon, since most features are possible through the use of chat messages.

LootReserve is designed for a Soft Reserve style loot system. Before the raid begins, the raid leader or the master looter (the Host) can start accepting reserves, of which each raider can only make a limited amount. If an item drops that is reserved by a single raider - they get it. If it's reserved by multiple players, then the contenders /roll for it. The addon also contains its own roll tracker, allowing you to manage the unreserved loot as well.
The addon can also assist with distributing loot to roll winners, either through masterloot or trade.

Chat Commands

/reserve - Opens the Reserves window, where players can make their reserves. Opens automatically when reserves are started.
/reserve host - Opens the Host window, where raid leaders and master looters can start a session and see the list of all reserves made. Rolls can also be started here.

Raiders are not required to use the addon to reserve items. It is possible to reserve by posting messages in chat (whisper/raid/party/yell/say):

!myreserves - See what items you have reserved, and what other players are reserving them.
!reserves - Check reserves on any items.
!reserve ITEM - Reserve the item.
!reserve ITEM x2 - Reserve the item twice, if allowed, spending 2 available reserves on it.
!reserve cancel ITEM - Cancels the item reserve.
!reserve cancel - Cancels the last item reserve made.

where ITEM can be either an [Item Link] or the item's full or partial name (Name matching only works in Host's client language).


The addon keeps track of which players in the raid are using it, and does not send them unnecessary whispers.
The list of reservable loot from each raid can be manually edited to hide unwanted items, add or remove class restrictions, or even add your own custom items.
The list of reserved items can be exported to CSV and imported from CSV.
The list of players reserving the items in the server window can be set to behave like unitframes outside of combat, so that players can be left-clicked to target, or right-clicked to open a context menu. During combat this functionality is blocked by Blizzard.
Players with the addon will see a popup window when a roll is started (only if the player is eligible to roll on the item). Players can use the window to roll or pass on the item.
The addon keeps track of which reserved items have been looted by whom to make it easier to track which player is carrying what items in case the master looter was unable to vacuum them all up.
The addon supports semi-automatic item distribution. Opening a trade window or masterlooting to the correct person can be done by clicking the glowing icons in the Rolls tab.
Players can see which players reserved an item in the item's tooltip. Hosts can also see who has previously won that item in the current session. This is helpful for keeping track of +1 style loot rules.
Any player in the group can request a roll for any item from their inventory or from the currently looted corpse. Rolls can be timed, can progress through several configurable stages (e.g. Main Spec, Off Spec, etc). Alternatively, items can also be automatically raid-rolled to a random player. The randomness is done with /roll to ensure transparency for everyone.
The addon also keeps a history of all the rolls performed with it, and keeps track of player chat during roll, to allow the roll initiator to see at a glance if the players, for example, called out the spec they're rolling for.

Caveats and known issues

No localization support is provided for now. English only, not tested on other locales.


Discord sever is here. This is the fastest way to get a hold of me, and the preferred location to ask questions or discuss bugs/suggestions.